• Our Projects

    We listen to you, We design with you, We deliver for you.

    Our aim is to provide bespoke mental health and well-being support for our community, drawing on our professional and personal expertise as therapists and community members.

    As well as delivering one-to-one and group therapy sessions for people of all ages and abilities in Devon, we deliver a range of creative arts interventions.

    Below are examples of work we are delivering or have previously delivered.

    Go to our Further Information page to learn more about our referral process or how to book an event.



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    Circle of Trees

    Monthly environmental arts therapeutic workshops moving through the cycles of the year with nature

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    The Island Club

    Therapeutic story and play-based sessions for young people, focused on opportunities for self-expression and self-discovery

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    Light Parenting

    A parent programme that uses the creative arts as a gateway to exploring and overcoming barriers to finding connection, joy and lightness in our relationships with our children

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    Nature's Play

    Community outreach workshops for children and young people to engage with nature through stories and art.

    Wild Stories

    Greenminds funded workshops, improving well-being through our connection with nature.

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    Team Building with Nature Connection

    Regenerative, creative and nature-based approaches to reconnecting teams with themselves, each other, and their core purpose.


    Our environmental arts therapists, Caz and Gin, invite you to undertake a journey in and with nature through the cycles of the year.

    We will follow the Celtic Ogham (pronounced O-Am) which is the Celtic Tree calendar-beginning in November 2024 and ending the following October 2025.

    The Celtic Ogham provides us with a pathway of exploration rich in metaphor and wisdom to support us in rewilding our creative natures, month by

    The group will have maximum of 12 participants and we will meet on one Sunday of every month (see dates below).

    A journey through all twelve months is highly recommended.

    Our experiential approach is suitable for all, and no previous arts experience is required.

    Arts practitioners, parents, teachers, mental health professionals, social workers, psychologists, or therapists may find this approach especially supportive.


    Caz and Gin are qualified Dramatherapists and Environmental Arts Therapists. They have between them many years of experience of working with both individuals and groups as facilitators and trainers.

    They provide a safely held, confidential and conducive space encouraging compassionate and creative ‘being’ that promotes wellbeing. Caz and Gin are passionate about offering work that deepens connection and care to the Land and to ourselves.

    They are insured and HCPC registered. They trained on the Graduate training course with Ian Siddon Heginworth, the founder of Environmental Arts Therapy at the London Art Therapy centre. In 2022-2023 they were part of a team of co-facilitators delivering the new Post Graduate training course at the School of Environmental Arts Therapy in Exeter.

    For more information about Caz and Gin, please see Our Team page.


    • Attunement & sensory awareness
    • Creative visualisations, movement, sound, voice, song & poetry
    • Reciprocity and honouring of natural materialsgathered for arts making
    • Giving ourselves permission to be & sharing from the heart
    • Creation of personal ritual and revival of traditionalones
    • Noticing nourishing metaphors, associations and themes of the season


    On each of these Sundays 1pm - 4.30pm

    ~ Winter -November 24th, December 8th, January 12th

    ~ Spring -February 16th, March 16th, April 13th

    ~ Summer -May 11th, June 8th, July 6th

    ~ Autumn -August 3rd, September 14th, October 12th


    £40 per workshop PAID IN ADVANCE on booking place. Booking 3 consecutive sessions costs £105.

    £30 subsidised places available per month. Please contact us to discuss. gin@catdevon.org.uk or caz@catdevon.org.uk


    Poole Farm, Plymouth PL6 8NF - FREEPARKING in carpark at end of Rydal Cl, Estover, Plymouth 50.407464,-4.105275 Poole Farm is accessed in 2min walk via Bunts Lane from carpark.

    Public transport from Plymouth and surroundingtowns/areas to Poole Farm



    Dress for the weather, layers of warm clothes, waterproofs and sturdy waterproof footwear recommended.

    Warm drinks & light snacks will be provided.

    All art materials will be provided.

    BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL contact gin@catdevon.org.uk or caz@catdevon.org.uk

    CONTACT US with your enquiry & we hope to meet with you in the wilds soon!


  • We were approached by a school who were struggling with some children presenting with behaviour that challenges at lunchtime and more generally in school. Their behaviour was such that they could no longer be out at lunchtime and the school were looking to run a lunchtime club 5 days per week.


    Together with the school we put together a package of one lunchtime club one day per week plus supervision and training for another member of staff to deliver the other 4 days.

    The intervention, which the children named 'The Island Club' drew on a simple child-centred therapeutic play model, which could be easily replicated by the staff member other days of the week.


    The outcomes were incredible with those children who attended regularly improving in capacity to self-regulate and demonstrating greater self-esteem. We worked with the school to tweak the intervention to improve outcomes even further such that children attending showed huge improvements in all areas of social and emotional difficulties, which improved educational attainment and willingness to engage positively in class. We have been asked to return each term to work with a different year group and each time we have had hugely positive feedback.


    If you are interested in CATDevon delivering a similar intervention or creating a bespoke package with your school please contact maaike@catdevon.org.uk



  • Team Building with Nature Connection


    Regenerative, creative and nature-based approaches to reconnecting teams with themselves, each other, and their core purpose.


    Plymouth City Council's Natural Infrastructure Team approached CATDevon to deliver a team day of nature connection on a mild, still December in 2023. The day involved our environmental arts therapist guiding the team to slow down and connect to themselves in breath, embodied and imaginative ways through their senses... read more here

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    “This training helped me connect with myself, nature, and my team in a transformative
    way. Having worked in outdoor education and green community work, nature plays
    a big role in my life and the people I work with. However, it’s rare I get the
    opportunity to pause, breath and feel the natural human ties that arise when we
    are not in a state of “doing” and we simply are allowed to notice the world
    around us."

    — Participant

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    "Gin facilitated this session with a professionalism, grace, and care. Her approach
    gently guides people without instructing, or didactically telling people how to
    approach the natural world. She allows people to have their own experience and
    allows people to approach the session in a way that is personal and meaningful
    to them."

    — Participant

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    The session provided an excellent balance of playful and calm, which allowed our
    team to connect to each other and the natural world in a multitude of ways. If
    you are thinking of providing a rich experience for your team, group, or as an
    individual, these sessions will leave a lasting impression on you and your
    connection to the natural world and your sense of purpose”.

    — Participant

  • We have responded to requests from parents who try so hard to form positive relationships with their children and yet continue to struggle. Parents describe feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, confused, isolated and sometimes scared when either managing their own feelings or their child's feelings.


    In our experience learning how to parent isn't always enough. Often we know what kind of relationship we'd like to have but find that we struggle to form or maintain that connection. This can be for a whole range of complex reasons based on our individual life experiences, family dynamics or wider community pressures and how this feeds into our relationships with our children.


    Therefore, in this programme we provide opportunity for small groups of parents with similar presenting challenges to come together and support one another as we go through a programme of creative activities designed to support parents to find ways to overcome barriers to forming safe, secure and joyful relationships with their children.


    The title of the programme is inspired by the Bowl of Light in Hawaiian tradition that believes that we are all born with a bowl of light that fills with the first breath we take. We must take time to breath and nourish our bowl to keep the flame alive but also take time to empty our bowls of any heavy stones that may be blocking the light. In all the work we do we at Creative Arts Therapy Devon, we look for the light held within all of us- our capacity to shine bright given the right conditions. This programme aims to support you explore any heavy stones and how to remove them, focuses on the light in you and the light in your child and how you can breath life into both in your connection with one another.


    This course is also anchored in evidence-based parenting practice, including the latest in attachment theory, trauma-informed parenting and neurosequential therapeutics. The work of Bruce Perry, Dan Siegel, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Stephen Porges and Dan Hughes and parenting models of PACE and Parent-Child Attachment Play, as a framework for the programme.


    Sessions are fortnightly to provide opportunity for parents to do activities set by the therapist designed to enhance the process. Fortnightly parent-child sessions with the therapist can be booked by parents who feel they would benefit from support with this.

    Sessions are delivered by our play therapist, Maaike.




    We are currently seeking organisations to support us to make this programme accessible and affordable for families. If you are an organisation interested in partnering with CATDevon to deliver this programme, please get in touch.

    For more information please contact maaike@catdevon.org.uk




  • Nature's Play are workshops delivered in parks and natural spaces that invite people to join in with therapeutic playful and creative well-being activities, exploring nature as a resource for nourishment and emotional growth. Drawing on elements of Drama, Play and Environmental Arts therapies, we use stories, art, role play, music and a range of seasonal and natural materials to provide a sensory, creative and immersive experience.


    The sessions are designed to be drop-in and universal to enable them to be more effective as an outreach and deliverable in a range of community settings. We were delighted to be invited by Be Buckfastleigh and Participate Arts to deliver a workshop at Hello Summer! in Buckfastleigh. We used story and art to invite the children to explore what makes their light shine and helps them to feel better when they are having a difficult day. We had such wonderful parent feedback and the comments left by he children on our feedback board definitely made our light shine!


    We also received funding to deliver a workshops over 2 weeks in parks in North Stonehouse, Plymouth. Here we used art and story to help the local children begin to connect emotionally with and relate to their local wildlife. Their thoughts and reflections were inspiring. What emerged were young people valued and empowered as individuals and a group in their capacity to be guardians of the local trees.


    We'd love to run more therapeutic creative, nature-based workshops for young people in Devon. If you are interested please contact caz@catdevon.org.uk  



    Funded by GreenMinds (https://greenmindsplymouth.com) our Wild Stories project aim was to enhance the relationship between the residents of Plymouth and Nature. Through play and art, participants were immersed in nature experiencing through emotion, beauty, tradition, compassion and the senses which research has shown to be 5 pathways to nature connectedness. 


    Wild Stories ran between March 2022 – June 2022 with a total of 33 participants divided into 4 groups regularly attending the series of 10 weekly workshops. In June, we held a culminating performance sharing and celebrating the non-human perspective stories and art that the participants had generated. The performance was attended by members of the local community in Stonehouse and was a moving and inspiring tribute to nature, further enhanced by Mirror Mirror ( Playback Theatre Company's (https://www.facebook.com/mirrormirrortheatre/) wonderfully intuitive, improvised performance of the stories shared. 


    We would love to repeat this with groups of all ages from all walks of life, across Devon, so please do get in touch gin@catdevon.org.uk if you would like to discuss further 


    Following consultation with the #NotFineinSchool community, we designed and delivered a range of support for parents and carers whose children are struggling to attend school. 

    We identified:

    • A need to reduce parental isolation in an accessible way without needing to leave their anxious children
    • A need to increase knowledge and understanding to empower parents in the face of confusing and sometimes harmful advice
    • Therapeutic support for parents sometimes overwhelmed and/or traumaised by the challenges faced by their child's school refusal.
    • A need for parents and professionals to have shared understanding so that they can work together to support the child


    In response we delivered the following:

    • Monthly online support groups
    • Repeated delivery of the Empowering Parents webinar sharing an evidence-based approach to developing a support plan in response to school-based anxiety. We are in the process of constructing a version for professionals working with families and young people.
    • The delivery of a workshop at The Glade in Dartington to replenish and resource exhausted parents. 

    If you would like to commission us to deliver any of these services for your organisation please contact maaike@catdevon.org.uk